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Karnataka State Police Datathon 2024 #kspdatathon2024

Get ready to unleash your coding powers and innovative spirit at the most exciting Datathon organised by Karnataka State Police and Hack2skill!

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offline 1 - 4 Team Members

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Karnataka State Police Datathon 2024

Last date to Register

Registration Closed


Embark on a Coding Odyssey for Justice!


Greetings Enthusiasts!

🌐 Just a few steps away from shaping a crime-free society at the Karnataka State Police Datathon 2024 – a stellar collaboration with Hack2skill! Unleash your coding brilliance, tackle real-world challenges, and join the coding revolution to build a safer, smarter future. The Hon'ble Chief Minister inaugurates this grand event on January 16, 2024. It's not just a competition; it's a journey toward innovation for a more secure society. Don't miss the chance to leave a lasting impact and be part of this transformative initiative! 🚓


Why Participate?

  • 🏗️ Build cutting-edge solutions for real-world challenges.
  • 🤝 Network with professionals, experts, and fellow tech enthusiasts.
  • 🌟 Showcase your talent to industry leaders.
  • 🏆 Win exciting prizes and recognition for your innovative solutions.


Datathon Process Flow

PHASE 1 - Ignite:

  • Registration ➔ Problem Statement Explainer Session ➔ Ask Me Anything (AMA) Session

PHASE 2 - Elevate:

  • Witness the buzz with the Initial Shortlists Announcement!

PHASE 3 - Innovate:

  • Dive into the Induction Session ➔ MVP Development ➔ Mentor/Mentee Connect ➔ Seal the deal with your Final Submission!

PHASE 4 - Recognize:

  • Celebrate as we unveil the Final Shortlist!

PHASE 5 - Shine:

  • Be the star at the In-Person Pitching (Demo Day)!


🗓️ Mark your calendars, rally your dream team, and gear up to code your way to a safer, smarter future!


🔐 Secure your spot at KSP Datathon 2024 by registering today!


Join us for a grand initiative where technology, innovation, and coding prowess unite for a crime-free tomorrow! 

#CodeForJustice #KSPDatathon2024 #karnatakastatepolice #hack2skill


Predictive Crime Analytics

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Traffic Flow Optimization and Congestion Management

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Police Performance and Resource Management

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Data Privacy in Law Enforcement

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Accident Data Analysis

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Predictive Crime Analytics

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Traffic Flow Optimization and Congestion Management

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Police Performance and Resource Management

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Data Privacy in Law Enforcement

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Accident Data Analysis

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Jury Panel



Tue Jan 16 2024 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Registrations Open
Tue Feb 20 2024 10:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Problem Statement Explainer Session
Tue Feb 27 2024 10:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
AMA Session
Sun Mar 03 2024 18:29:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Registrations & Idea Submission Close
Fri Mar 08 2024 18:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Prototype Development Begins
Sat Mar 09 2024 10:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Initial Shortlist Announcement
Tue Mar 12 2024 10:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Induction Session
Sun Apr 14 2024 18:29:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Prototype Submissions

This is an eliminator round.

Tue Apr 23 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Prototype Under Evaluation
Mon May 06 2024 06:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Shortlisted Team Announcement


Sun May 19 2024 18:29:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Final Submission of Working Prototypes
Sun Jun 02 2024 18:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
To Be Announced
Top Teams Announcements (Finalists)
Sat Jun 22 2024 04:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
In-Person Pitching (Demo Day)


*Timeline is subject to change/tentative

Rewards and benefits


Technology Partners


Powered By


Demo Day Venue

Microsoft Research, Lavelle Road, Bengaluru

Frequently Asked Questions

Karnataka State Police Datathon 2024 is open to the Students, technologist, freelancers and professional developer community.

The entry should be functional for review by the judges.

Yes, participants are required to submit a prototype. If you use any database like SQL Server or PostgreSQL you can also submit a database dump along with your submission.

The organizing team will approve and confirm your participation. Shortlisted teams will receive a confirmation email and it will reflect on the user dashboard.

Yes, all team members can login from their account and submit application.

KSP Datathon 2024 is an exciting Datathon organized by Karnataka State Police and Hack2skill, focusing on themes of Cybersecurity, Cyber Crime, and Data. It provides a platform for participants to use their coding skills and innovative spirit to address real-world challenges and contribute to creating a crime-free society.

To secure your spot, register for the Datathon today. Mark your calendars, assemble your dream team, and get ready to code your way to a safer and smarter future!

Please check the event details and mark your calendars. Be sure not to miss this opportunity to contribute to a crime-free society.

You can participate either alone or as a team. If you prefer working in a team, it's a great opportunity to collaborate and combine your skills for a more comprehensive solution.

Demo Day is the In-Person Pitching phase where participants showcase their developed Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) to judges and attendees. It's an exciting opportunity to present your solutions and receive feedback.

Absolutely! The AMA Session and Mentor/Mentee Connect sessions are designed for participants to seek clarifications, guidance, and support. Don't hesitate to ask questions and make the most out of these opportunities.

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