HackOOctober-H2STC-Chandigarh University
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In collaboration with Chandigarh University, H2S CU Chapter would be organizing Hack2skill's version of Hacktober Fest, HACKO-OCTOBER -A month long annual celebration of open-source projects, their maintainers, and the entire community of contributors.
*Timeline is subject to change/tentative
HackOOctober-H2STC-Chandigarh University is open to the Students, technologist, freelancers and professional developer community.
The entry should be functional for review by the judges.
There is no participation fee.
Yes, participants are required to submit a prototype. If you use any database like SQL Server or PostgreSQL you can also submit a database dump along with your submission.
The organizing team will approve and confirm your participation. Shortlisted teams will receive a confirmation email and it will reflect on the user dashboard.
Yes, all team members can login from their account and submit application.